bluehost SSH 申请开通流程(更改后的认证机制)

bluehost 是可以免费开通 SSH 的,但是默认并不开通,需要申请。申请需要提供证件,之前说的是驾照,中国用户提供身份证扫描件也能过,这个很多博客都介绍过了。但是近期 bluehost 的 policy 有变,昨天我刚刚成功申请开通了 SSH ,现在把大致流程梳理一下。

首先,登入 bluehost 的 CPanel ,在右上角点入 HELP 页面。然后 Open a Ticket。

首先留下你的联系邮箱。「How can we help?」那里选 Verification(认证)。



以前中国用户都是提供身份证去认证的,现在的变化是如果你当时是用信用卡支付,那么提供信用卡正反两面扫描件(背面的 CVV/CVC 和正面的前十二位卡号可以涂掉)即可。如果是 Paypal 用户仍然是要求提供身份证,以及登入 bluehost 的密码的后四位或者 Paypal 发票的 7 位编号。


Our policy for enabling SSH to accounts was recently changed. Our old policy required submission of the account holder’s government-issued photo identification card. Our new policy requires that an account be verified before SSH is enabled. If an account requesting SSH is already verified confirmation of the the last four of the credit card/the PayPal invoice or the last four of the hosting password is required before SSH is enabled.

The verification process varies depending on if the customer purchased their account through a credit card or through PayPal. For customers located outside the United States and Canada, to prevent them from having to call internationally, we ask that they submit a copy of the front and back of the credit card that was charged (cvv2 on card back and first 12 digits on card front can be blocked out). If the account was signed up through PayPal we ask to receive a copy of the PayPal holder’s government-issued photo identification card and confirmation of the last four characters of the hosting password or seven digit PayPal invoice ID number.

