
2011年6月4日 | 分类: 翻墙相关 | 标签: , ,


下载并安装MyEntunnel,该软件全名为My Encrypted Tunnel。

按照上图将第一步收到的帐号信息填写到相应的地方后,点击 “保存”按钮,再点击“连接”按钮。

第一次连接过程中会出现一个认证对话框, 按照提示确认即可。以后的自动连接中将不再出现此认证对话框。




Skydrive 下载(7Zip 格式,362KB)

Dropbox 下载(RAR 格式,376KB)


解压后是4个文件,运行 myentunnel.exe。



Firefox有一个扩展,唤作FoxyProxy,是用来为一些站点配置专门的代理服务访问的。你可以从下 面的地址安装:

我 在这里只说一下安装完FoxyProxy扩展并重启Firefox之后的故事。 重启之后可能会有提示询问“是否配置FoxProxy使用Tor”,这里可以选择否,因为我们使用的是SSH,不是Tor。

接下来 设置 FoxyProxy,新建一个代理设置, 主机地址写127.0.0.1, 端口 7070, 下面勾上 socks代理,并选择 socks5, 选中“对所有DNS查询使用这个代理服务器”。


选择你刚才 新建的代理, 如我刚才新建的代理名称叫“SSH”,进行如下设置:选中“为全部URLs启用代理服务器SSH”


到此为止已经设置完毕,以后想翻墙的时候启动MyEntunnel,打开 firefox 即可。


(注:此设置访问所有站点均调用SSH代理,如只需部分站点使用代理请配置“URL模式”,foxproxy的url模式非常强大,并配有快捷键,使用非 常方便,在此不再赘述)


  1. AS

    Classilla: Building a Secure Web Browser for Mac OS 9 and the Classic Macintosh OS

    classilla – Building a secure web browser for classic Mac OS – Google Project Hosting
    “A fork of Mozilla for classic Macintosh systems, with upgrades for security, stability and functionality. Targeted for Mac OS 9 with support for OS 8.6 where possible. If you’re looking for a browser for PPC 10.4+, see our sister project, TenFourFox.
    Please do not file bugs here unless you are an authorized contributor, coder or distiller. If you are an end user, please use the Classilla Report-A-Bug triage system and let a reviewer file here on your behalf. Feel free to comment on an existing bug, however, if you believe you have something to share.
    Visit for the most current release information.
    Read the Official Classilla FAQ and the current Release Notes for quick answers to common questions.
    View the latest wiki and bugtracking activity:
    Source code for 9.2.2 will be available by next week ”
    Downloads – classilla – Building a secure web browser for classic Mac OS – Google Project Hosting

    “Classilla9.2.2.sit Classilla 9.2.2 release version (29 March 2011) Featured Mar 29 23.9 MB


  2. AS

    Extension for Firefox:
    “Hide My Ass! operates the most popular browser based web proxy online, this is our official extension that enables you to easily redirect your web traffic through our anonymous proxy network”
    “Why use a web proxy?
    1. Surf websites anonymously.
    2. Hide and change your IP address (your ‘online fingerprint’).
    3. Conceal your web browsing history.
    4. SSL encryption for all websites.
    5. Bypass web filters and geographic internet blocks.

    What makes Hide My Ass! different?
    1. No third-party advertisements or annoying popups.
    2. Works with popular video websites such as YouTube and adult tubes.
    3. Various IP addresses to use, not just one.
    4. Proxy servers in multiple countries.
    5. SSL/HTTPS for all servers.

    Extension features:
    1. One click proxy. Whilst already browsing a website, click the extension icon to browse the website anonymously. Alternatively click the icon on a new tab to be shown a web proxy form and specify a website to proxify.
    2. Select one of 20 web proxy domain names (not just
    3. Select a specific web proxy server (USA, UK, NL).
    4. URL obfuscation. Choose between encoded and encrypted web proxy URL’s.
    5. SSL encryption. Choose between HTTP and HTTPS web browsing.
    6. Option to always launch web proxy in incognito mode for increased anonymity.
    7. Option to always launch the web proxy in a new tab.
    8. Option to always ask for manual URL entry (and not redirect based on address bar entries).”
    作者 HideMyAss!

  3. AS
    “Surfe sicher und anonym mit Tor-Proxy.NET. Tor-Proxy.NET ist ein CGI-Web-Proxy-Service, der über ein einfaches Webinterface deine Zugriffe über verschiedene Anonymitätsdienste weiterleiten kann.
    Gegenwärtig existiert Untersützung für TOR ( und JonDos/JAP (”


    • iGFW


  4. AS

    Extension for Firefox:
    clearHTTPStatus :: Firefox 附加组件
    “Prevents abusing of HTTP status code.
    Malicious sites can automatically and silently determine if you are logged into some particular site of attacker’s interest. Malicious sites can send cross sites request and use HTTP status code in the response to identify whether user is logged into the victim site or not.
    For example, HTML SCRIPT tag fires “onload” event if HTTP response from a victim server contains a 200 HTTP status code. And fires “onerror” event if the HTTP response from victim server contains one of 403, 404, 406 or 500 HTTP status code.

    This attack was discovered by Mike Cardwell.
    Above link provides good explanation of HTTP status code abuse with the help of examples.”


  5. AS

    Extension for Firefox:
    “Firefox Extension for Web Security, protection from clickjacking and https strip attacks.”
    “SecureExt-0.2.xpi 577 KB”


    • iGFW


  6. AS

    New ver. extension for Firefox HTTPS Finder 069RC1.xpi


  7. AS

    Extension for Firefox:
    “Perseus plug-in adds a layer of security to Firefox for the data exchanged using the HTTP protocol. The data, if the server permits are exchanged using punctured convolutional codes with additional noise, allowing a fast and powerful protection. The purpose of this extension is to protect against all passive eavesdropping, intercepting the data and use the Internet for malicious purposes (spam, stealing accounts …).
    For more information on scientific and technical aspects of the Perseus technology: Esiea Search
    The extension is being developed, if you have problems take time to read the readme located in the Wiki tab. If you do not find solutions to your problem, open a issue (end tab -> new issue) and describe your problem in as much detail as possible. You can also send your suggestions to improve or make evolve this application (with the aid of Issues).
    The Apache server version for PERSEUS is available here:
    The lack of project developer if you are interested in joining the project please email Owner perseus.esiea @
    For all other questions send an email to: Owner perseus.esiea @
    L’extension Perseus permet d’ajouter à Firefox, une couche de sécurité pour les données échangées à l’aide du protocol HTTP. Les données, si le serveur le permet sont échangées à l’aide des codes convolutifs poinçonnés bruités, qui permettent un codage rapide et puissant. Le but de l’extension est de se protéger contre toutes les écoutes passives, qui interceptent les données Internet et les utilisent à des fins malveillantes (spam, vol de comptes …).
    L’extension est en cours de développement, si vous avez des problèmes prenez le temps de lire le Readme situé dans le l’onglet Wiki. Si vous ne trouver pas de solutions à votre problème, ouvrez une issue (onglet issue -> new issue) et décrivez votre problème de façons la plus détaillée possible. Vous pouvez aussi envoyer vos propositions d’amélioration de l’application à l’aides des Issues.
    La version serveur pour Apache de PERSEUS est accessible ici :
    Le projet manque de développeur si vous êtes intéressé pour rejoindre le projet envoyez un mail à Owner
    Pour toutes autres question envoyer un e-mail à : Owner ”
    “Perseus_Linux_client_Firefox4.xpi Linux Perseus Client for Firefox 4 Featured Mar 29 Mar 29 90.1 KB
    Perseus_0.3.1_Mac_x86.xpi Perseus 0.3.1 Mac Featured Firefox May 2010 69.9 KB
    Perseus_0.3.1_Windows.xpi Perseus 0.3.1 Windows Featured Firefox May 2010 31.0 KB ”
    “这个附加组件已经过 Mozilla 初步审核。了解更多”

  8. 无糖咖啡

    现在FF用auto proxy比较方便 自带一个被GFW拦截的列表 可以自动根据规则来使用SSH

    • iGFW
