我发现,Sogou上的squid服务器,限制了CONNECT命令只能够连接远程主机的443端口,其他的端口都返回403 Forbidden状态。
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- ””’
- Author: Xiaoxia
- Contact: xiaoxia@xiaoxia.org
- Website: xiaoxia.org
- ”’
- from threading import Thread, Lock
- from struct import unpack
- from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
- from httplib import HTTPResponse
- from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
- import socket, os, select
- import time, sys, random
- import threading
- # Minimize Memory Usage
- threading.stack_size(128*1024)
- x_sogou_auth = “9CD285F1E7ADB0BD403C22AD1D545F40/30/853edc6d49ba4e27”
- proxy_host = “h0.edu.bj.ie.sogou.com”
- proxy_port = 80
- BufferSize = 8192
- RemoteTimeout = 15
- def calc_sogou_hash(t, host):
- s = (t + host + ‘SogouExplorerProxy’).encode(‘ascii’)
- code = len(s)
- dwords = int(len(s)/4)
- rest = len(s) % 4
- v = unpack(str(dwords) + ‘i’+str(rest)+’s’, s)
- for vv in v:
- if(type(vv)==type(‘i’)):
- break
- a = (vv & 0xFFFF)
- b = (vv >> 16)
- code += a
- code = code ^ (((code<<5)^b) << 0xb)
- # To avoid overflows
- code &= 0xffffffff
- code += code >> 0xb
- if rest == 3:
- code += ord(s[len(s)-2]) * 256 + ord(s[len(s)-3])
- code = code ^ ((code ^ (ord(s[len(s)-1])*4)) << 0x10)
- code &= 0xffffffff
- code += code >> 0xb
- elif rest == 2:
- code += ord(s[len(s)-1]) * 256 + ord(s[len(s)-2])
- code ^= code << 0xb
- code &= 0xffffffff
- code += code >> 0x11
- elif rest == 1:
- code += ord(s[len(s)-1])
- code ^= code << 0xa
- code &= 0xffffffff
- code += code >> 0x1
- code ^= code * 8
- code &= 0xffffffff
- code += code >> 5
- code ^= code << 4
- code = code & 0xffffffff
- code += code >> 0x11
- code ^= code << 0x19
- code = code & 0xffffffff
- code += code >> 6
- code = code & 0xffffffff
- return hex(code)[2:].rstrip(‘L’).zfill(8)
- class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- remote = None
- # Ignore Connection Failure
- def handle(self):
- try:
- BaseHTTPRequestHandler.handle(self)
- except socket.error: pass
- def finish(self):
- try:
- BaseHTTPRequestHandler.finish(self)
- except socket.error: pass
- # CONNECT Data Transfer
- def transfer(self, a, b):
- fdset = [a, b]
- while True:
- r,w,e = select.select(fdset, [], [])
- if a in r:
- data = a.recv(BufferSize)
- if not data: break
- b.sendall(data)
- if b in r:
- data = b.recv(BufferSize)
- if not data: break
- a.sendall(data)
- def sogouProxy(self):
- if self.remote is None or self.lastHost != self.headers[“Host”]:
- self.remote = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self.remote.settimeout(RemoteTimeout)
- self.remote.connect((proxy_host, proxy_port))
- self.remote.sendall(self.requestline.encode(‘ascii’) + b”\r\n”)
- # Add Sogou Verification Tags
- self.headers[“X-Sogou-Auth”] = x_sogou_auth
- t = hex(int(time.time()))[2:].rstrip(‘L’).zfill(8)
- self.headers[“X-Sogou-Tag”] = calc_sogou_hash(t, self.headers[‘Host’])
- self.headers[“X-Sogou-Timestamp”] = t
- headerstr = str(self.headers).replace(“\r\n”, “\n”).replace(“\n”, “\r\n”)
- self.remote.sendall(headerstr.encode(‘ascii’) + b”\r\n”)
- # Send Post data
- if self.command == ‘POST’:
- self.remote.sendall(self.rfile.read(int(self.headers[‘Content-Length’])))
- response = HTTPResponse(self.remote, method=self.command)
- response.begin()
- # Reply to the browser
- status = “HTTP/1.1 ” + str(response.status) + ” ” + response.reason
- self.wfile.write(status.encode(‘ascii’) + b’\r\n’)
- hlist = []
- for line in response.msg.headers: # Fixed multiple values of a same name
- if ‘TRANSFER-ENCODING’ not in line.upper():
- hlist.append(line)
- self.wfile.write(“”.join(hlist) + b’\r\n’)
- if self.command == “CONNECT” and response.status == 200:
- return self.transfer(self.remote, self.connection)
- else:
- while True:
- response_data = response.read(BufferSize)
- if not response_data: break
- self.wfile.write(response_data)
- do_POST = do_GET = do_CONNECT = sogouProxy
- class ThreadingHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
- address_family = socket.AF_INET6
- server_address = (“”, 1998)
- server = ThreadingHTTPServer(server_address, Handler)
- # Random Target Proxy Server
- proxy_host = ‘h’ + str(random.randint(0,5)) + ‘.edu.bj.ie.sogou.com’
- print(‘Proxy over %s.\nPlease set your browser\’s proxy to %s.’ % (proxy_host, server_address))
- try:
- server.serve_forever()
- except:
- os._exit(1)
问题是:假设我博客的地址为www.blue.com,为了加速,我在speedymirror注册了帐号,弄了个镜像地址blue.speedymirror.com,现在是在我的域名面板里怎么设置cname,我设置了感觉不对,ping http://www.blue.com的时候,其IP还是空间商提供的那个IP,而不是speedymirror提供的IP,并且要访问博客的时候,用www.blue.com还是用blue.sspeedymirror.com???请知道的墙友帮忙解答,谢谢!!
scut.tk:1998 这个是不是只有教育网的IP才能用啊?